
Friday, June 01, 2007

Tanzania: Questions Answered

In July last year, a friend of mine who also happens to be my boss, brought to me a booklet titled The United Kingdom: 100 questions answered. This friend of mine had to find this booklet, after a heated debate the previous night as to the difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain and England. I had some ideas on the differences, though not exactly as I remembered to have read on the same some few months back. He had his as well and as bad luck would have the answers did not tally. At the end of the day and after reading the booklet we realized that we were both correct and wrong at the same time as both answers had both traces of truth and falsity.

I found this booklet to be very useful, educative and worth having a copy. It is for this reason I thought I should do the same and educate the world through the web; I was thinking of establishing my own blog. In the premises, I have borrowed a lot from the booklet including the questions themselves and the manner in which the questions are answered.

The information contained herein is not that authoritative. Any statistics on any matter referred to herein can be obtained from other quarters. This info should be considered as basic as possible and as a conduit pipe to search for other more correct info.
I will be grateful to receive any comment my email with a title Tanzania: Questions answered and will be obliged to include the info in the blog or discuss as to its authenticity in case of any doubts.

Special thanks to my daughter; Tutindaga Mwambegele (she calls herself Tuti for short or 2T for more short) who helped me proof read the text before posting. All errors, however are entirely mine.

1. What is the meaning of the United Republic of Tanzania?
Tanzania is a name that was born in 1964 after two sovereign states – Tanganyika and Zanzibar – united. According to the constitution there are two governments in this union; the government of the United Republic of Tanzania or more often referred to the Union Government, and the Zanzibar government.

2. What is the population of Tanzania and its major cities?
The population of Tanzania as per the last census stands at 35 Million. As is always the case women outnumber men. The last census has it that the number of men is …..which is slightly less than the number of women which is……

3. What are National Parks and where are they?
Tanzania is very rich in wildlife. It has…….National parks, …….wildlife conservation areas and …… reserves………
Tanzania is renown for having the biggest game in reserve. The Ruaha National park has an area of approximately 20,000 square kilometers slightly above Krugger National Park in which stands at 18,000 square kilometers.

4. Which are Tanzania’s ethnic groups/tribes?
Tanzania has apbiut 123 ethnic groups. Initially it used to have 120 ethnic groups but of late the number of Indians, Europeans and others has been growing at a considerably high rate to the extent of forming extra three ethnic groups.

5. Which religions are represented in Tanzania?
Tanzania is a secular state. However, its people have religions. The majority of Tanzanians are predominantly Christians. They form about 95% of the whole population. The remaining percentage remains for the Moslems and other traditional religions. But the opposite is true in respect of the Isles; 95% of the whole population is Moslem while the remaining 5% is for Christians and other traditional religions.

6. What are Tanzania’s main imports and exports and exports?
7. What does the flag stand for and how should it be flown?
8. What is the most popular food in Tanzania?
9. What is Tanzania’s weather like?
10. Does Tanzania have a written constitution?
11. What does the constitution of Tanzania contain?
12. How does Tanzania elect its parliament?


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